Tutti benvenuti!
Siamo un'organizzazione di karate calorosa, amichevole e di successo con sede nel centro di Londra che accoglie studenti di tutte le abilità.
Ci uniamo come una rete di persone amichevoli e affini per le quali il karate e la comunità hanno migliorato la vita.
La nostra missione è consentire a ogni individuo di condurre una vita più sicura e migliorata. Tutti meritano di sentirsi al sicuro e responsabilizzati.
A SHINBOKU, noicomprendere e incoraggiare tutti gli aspetti del Karate tradizionale e moderno. Mentre la pratica del karate deve essere estetica, deve anche avere un "significato". In altroparole, deve avere la priorità di avere un "effetto di impatto" - deve funzionare.
Il nostro approccio si basa sul karate nel cuore, apprezzando le grandi basi che ci ha dato e su cui costruiamo i nostri sistemi di autodifesa e combattimento unici per soddisfare tutti i livelli e interessi._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Non sorprende che il nostro curriculum copra ampiamente i seguenti metodi di combattimento; tecniche di colpo, grappling, serrature articolari, punti di pressione, soffocamenti e strangolamenti, lanci e abbattimenti, tecniche di combattimento a terra, coltelli e altre armi di uso comune.
Le nostre lezioni sono utili, divertenti e tenute da esperti.

Integrale al programma SHINBOKU per formare un'arte marziale altamente efficace "per strada".

Competiamo a livello regionale, nazionale e internazionale.
Ogni anno vengono ospitati seminari di campioni europei e mondiali.

Incorporato in tutto il nostro programma.
Tecniche concrete ed efficaci per difendersi da un aggressore violento e non addestrato.
Il nostro dojo principale si trova in The Studio, K2 LSBU, Keyworth Street, Elephant & Castle.
Tutti i livelli sono i benvenuti.
Shinboku gestisce anche altri due club: KCL Karate e St. George's Karate Club, tuttavia, questi sono gestiti dai rispettivi comitati studenteschi eletti.
Incontra il NOSTROIstruttori
SHINBOKU si impegna a fornire il più alto livello di istruzione nelle arti marziali. Tutti i nostri istruttori hanno sviluppato le loro abilità nelle arti marziali attraverso anni di formazione e insegnamento. Oltre all'esperienza di karate, i nostri istruttori hanno una formazione nelle tecniche di presa e lancio e sono esperti artisti marziali a pieno titolo. Molti hanno gareggiato a livello nazionale e internazionale.
Albert Lukaj
3rd Dan
Albert has been practicing karate for over 18 years, after joining the club at King's College London as a student and white belt. He enjoys encouraging students to “think outside the box” in fighting situations and endeavours to combat any sense of being ‘too small’ or ‘too weak’. Albert has also taught a number of self-defense courses for corporate customers including the Women’s Institute, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and BeActive.
Roberta Vullo
2nd Dan
Roberta first joined Shinboku as a novice whilst a student at King's College London in 2014 and is one of our longest serving members. Roberta continued to train with hunger and determination and progressed from novice to black belt, achieving her 1st Dan by June 2018. Roberta was very quickly invited to teach at Shinboku and has been our main female instructor and in Sept 2024 successfully passed her 2nd Dan grading with John Johnston, 7th Dan and Chief Instructor of Adaptive Karate. Roberta is particularly keen on practical karate and self defence, having taught a several private and corporate self-defence seminars
Alex Stewart-Moreno
2nd Dan
Alex joined Shinboku as a 1st Dan in 2021 having trained extensively growing up. While managing a demanding legal career, Alex quickly demonstrated his commitment to training and to the club, embracing our syllabus and stepping into a teaching position by 2023. In Sept 2024, He has successfully passed his 2nd Dan grading with John Johnston, 7th Dan and Chief Instructor of Adaptive Karate. Alex is particularly interested in the application of Kata and Kumite in a non-competitive setting.
Gonçalo Miranda da Costa
1st Dan
Gonçalo first joined Shinboku as a novice after his first free trial in Sept 2017. Through sheer dedication and hard work, he progressed through the grades to black belt, passing his 1st Dan 5 years later in Sept 2022. Gonçalo was invited to teach as an instructor a few months later and has since been teaching regularly. He's passionate about all aspects of practical karate and self defence.

Alex, Red Belt
I have trained at several different karate clubs in London and can genuinely say that Shinboku is the best. It combines great teaching with a supportive and encouraging atmosphere for people at all levels. Beginners are always welcome and get integrated into the classes really well. It's accepted that people will progress at their own pace. We're really lucky to have several excellent black belts as teachers, all of whom have different specialties and teaching styles. Our club has a number of different locations and times so you can train as suits you. And it's very cheap! This club really is the best of the best

Ahmed, Yellow Belt
The thing I learned from Shinboku is not to be scared, to try & move no matter what age you are. Before I started I was too worried to fall over and hurt myself but as I progressed, I began to feel comfortable and was able to do the thing that I thought I never could do. One of the things that makes Shinboku unique is that they don't teach you bad habits , and they help build your confidence, gradullay. This club teaches you to condition yourself mentally and physically so you're able to walk away with confidence. The other thing about this club it doesn’t just make you Strong and Healthy, but it also helps you deal with personal life such as work and how to be successful in your job or giving you advice when things dont turn out as you expect it. Karate is not a race and you learn at your own pace. My advice is keep trying and you eventually find the path to achieve your goal.

Stefania, Yellow Belt
I started at karate Shinboku by chance after finding their website on internet. I found a very friendly group of people that have welcomed me since the very beginning. The instructors are very good at teaching the principles of karate and the whole discipline helps you boost your confidence and focus. Definitely good for me :)

Anna, Yellow Belt
Before I joined Shinboku I had never done any martial arts in my life, and thought sports weren't really for me. But after the first class I was hooked - the instructors adapted their training to each individual's skill-set or experience, and created an incredibly welcoming atmosphere. After training for a few years I felt much stronger, capable, and confident, having learnt to push myself and perform in public. I had also grown to know the most amazing people in London - as likely to show you how to do a flying kick as challenge you to a game of beer pong!

Lisi, Green Belt
The karate Shinboku club is a place for training hard and fun. You learn the traditional karate (kata, Kumite, Kihon and Bunkai), how to defend yourself (street safe), very important for everyone, especially girls and bonus you get to socialize with amazing people, from all kinds of backgrounds. You will sweat, get stronger, resilient and confident. The instructors are all well trained and they understand how to push you towards your full potential. Join the Shinboku family, it is more than just a Karate club, here you can get fit, healthy and also make friends for life!

Misho, Red Belt
I joined Shinboku following a 14-year-long "karateless" period. I was instantly welcomed by an awesome group of dedicated, friendly and supportive people. The instructors, in particular, are simply outstanding in their teaching efforts, guidance and support. They are always committed and passionate and effectively complement each other. The other aspect that really makes Shinboku stand out as a club is the abundance of "topics" covered during the sessions - namely, traditional karate, but also self-defence, ground work, hanbo and other practical real-life applications. For me, personally, the karate sessions have been instrumental in catalysing the improvement of my self-discipline, focus and confidence as well as my physical and mental health. Join the Shinboku family and embark on a life-altering journey full of a variety of challenges and rewards and, of course, loads of great friends to share them with!
C'è una quota associativa annuale ricorrente di £ 30, che copre anche la quota di affiliazione, l'assicurazione e vari altri vantaggi.
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